Wednesday, August 10, 2005

God's Servant

Lately, I've been into reading children's literature and short stories. So I decided to turn to the Old Testament for my devotions. Yesterday I was reading the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. I had to stop at the part where Moses was called "God's Servant." Wow, what a name to be called. It made me think of my own title. Am I truly being God's servant?

A little bit later, at breakfast the same morning, I came upon a book at the kitchen table I was interested in...the autobiography of Billy Graham. As I was reading his preface, it made think back to my devotions that morning about being God's servant. I was thinking about Moses and Billy Graham being God's servants and how they must of totally turned over their spiritual gifts to God's control. What if we were to completely allow our spiritual gifts to develop? To focus on developing them? What if we were to allow God to have complete control over them?

As I was thinking this (and continuing to read), Billy Graham turned to the topic of spiritual gifts. He wrote about his own being the gift of evangelism and what that required of him. The part that really hit me was when he wrote, "the evangelist is not called to do everything in the church or in the world that God wants done. On the contrary, the calling of the evanglist is very specific."

This reinforced the concept of letting God have control of my spiritual gifts. If God was allowed to control mine, and yours, and everybody else's all the pieces would fit together and "everthing in the church or in the world that God wants done" could be accomplished.


At 1:46 PM, Blogger Andrea Hensen said...

Hey Em!!!
Wonderful to see you on the blogsphere! I look forward to many posts so that all of us can know how you are getting along, what you are reading and experiencing your life. Servanthood is a wonderful subject to think on, thanks for thinking out loud.


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