Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Have you ever found a place in life that lets you be completely yourself? I have found that, it's on the sports field. All the negative characteristics that I try so hard to hide in real life (ex. aggressiveness) are desired on the field. I feel that I can let free and just be me.
I am so very excited because I made the Redeemer Woman's Varsity Soccer Team. This means that I get to fine-tune some of my skills. I came into Redeemer this year with the intent to play as many sports as I possibly can. I really believe that God has given me the desire and drive to play sports as a ministry opportunity with kids and youth. I decided that this year I was going to take that seriously and become a better player. I want to use the skills, experiences, and lessons I learn this year for the future.
Just so excited to get to play again. I feel so content right now - sitting in my sweat (yes, I'll take a shower soon), stretching my sore muscles, and ignoring the pain from my blisters (have cheap cleats from Zellers). This is where I know I want to be. Thank-you to Amsterdam trip which taught me so much....maybe more on that later but I need to go take a shower before our house meeting.


At 6:36 PM, Blogger LStew said...

congrats on making the team...i think this means you'll be whipping my butt into shape on the squash court...Lord knows i need it. give me a few weeks to get my energy up and my lung capacity up to normal...

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Rach the Second Legg said...

Such a great gift, em! You just keep on truckin' because you would be wonderful teaming up with Jesus for a ministry such as that!


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