Thursday, December 22, 2005

I feel like I'm at a pivotal spot in my life. I am finally going to graduate come May and then what? Where does God want me to go? As a teacher-in-the-making I need to start applying places, working on my resume and portfolio, and going through interviews real soon. Yet, I have no clue as to the direction God wants me to go. I could go anywhere in the world. Is it possible that what I want and what God wants could be the same thing?

Do you ever have the gut-renching feeling of wanting something sooooo badly that your whole body craves it? Is that a God thing or a selfish thing?

I feel like I'm back in highschool trying to decide where to go to postsecondary school. In highschool I made the decision to go to University of Waterloo while God made the decision for me to go to Redeemer University. To make a long story short, I'm at Redeemer. God always manages to put me where He wants me. And then it comes back to the same word over and over again: TRUST. Well, here we go again.

Repeat over and over again:


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Nikki Gerrits said...

I think that 'gut-renching feeling of wanting something soooo badly that your whole body craves it' is not just a selfish thing. I think sometimes it can be, but I think many times it is God leading us to what he wants for our lives.


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