Friday, March 02, 2007


So, the other day in class, some of my boys came to school pretty excited to tell me something. Apparently they are trying to set me up with their cadet counsellor. They had been talking to him and showing him our class picture. As we were joking around about this (I threatened that all we would talk about is them...) some of the girls tried to set me up with a brother, than a boy with his this point I decided to change the direction of the conversation to save some dignity and pride.

One of my boys had his hand raised. I knew that answering him would be risky, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Well, doubt no longer that it was risky. Here's the very profound question he asked me:

"Miss Slotegraaf, have you ever tried on-line dating?" Oh, boy. Is that a proper question to ask? I have to confess that I have looked at postings just for fun, does that count? How do I answer the question? So in reply, I asked him if he had. He said "no" and I said well there ya go.

I told my class that I planned on remaining single for that day. And I came true with that promise.


At 4:36 PM, Blogger LStew said...

oh les enfants

At 7:00 PM, Blogger Matthew Kok said...

haha. gotta love the romance advice from kids, eh? been there, done that. haven't tried the online dating thing yet though...think it's worth a try?


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