Friday, June 22, 2007

Year End

The end of a chapter for me. This chapter has been full of different plots and conclusions. Here's some of them:

I will leave having fallen in love with 23 VERY different, talented, amazing students. I will leave having left pieces of my heart behind.

I will leave having made friends for life. There are many teachers/staff/families here that are beautiful. And I have been touched by their beauty. I have learned so much from their support, commitment, sacrifices, and striving to be better people. I will leave having been changed by them.

I will have leave knowing that I've been challenged spiritually. I have hope and excitement for the future because of these interactions. I will leave with God by my side.

I will have leave again trying to trust God. He brought me here, He will bring me somewhere else. He gives and He takes away. I will leave with a future.

I will leave with a broken heart. But I know that God will heal it in time. I will leave trails of my tears behind.

I will leave as an "experienced teacher." I have learned so much about teaching and about students. I will leave having seen my students mature and grow.

I will leave with many memories. I have so many stories that I cannot even remember them all. I will leave knowing that I cannot return as exactly the same, but that life holds so much more memories to make.

I will leave with a car chucked full of junk. I have gathered so much "stuff" over the year. I will also leave with gifts and blessings from my students.

I will leave a changed person. I will leave having been challenged to be a better person by my students and colleagues. I am going to dearly miss this place!!

But, it's time to move on again. Time to take on the challenges and blessings that God has awaiting for me. Cheers to a great year and (hopefully) more to come!!


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