Saturday, May 26, 2007

In Sickness and In Health

Last night I went to visit my Uncle who has Lou Gehrigs Disease. Basically it means that his muscles are deteriorating and giving out - this leads to heart and lung failure. He knows that this disease will kill him.

I was nervous to go see him. I haven't visited this uncle in awhile and was feeling a little bit worried. Turned out to be a great visit.

My uncle is a testimony to God in the midst of his disease. He owns 6 Mac dealerships (big rigs) and is head boss over 280 people. He has always professed his faith strongly to his employees and has never let an employee work a Sunday. He holds tightly to his faith now. He told me that it's easy to be a Christian when things are going well, but when life turns difficult where does your walk head?

To be honest, I was very blessed by the visit. Here's what I went away blessed by:
  • He's honest about his difficulties but peaceful in his future. He knows where his soul belongs.
  • He has a multi-million business to run but ALWAYS makes time for family, ex-employees, or friends to drop in and talk to. I did not feel like I was wasting his time. His priorities are about people not money.
  • He treats his employees with respect. When an employee fails, he feels like he failed.
  • He makes you appreciate life and the blessings that are part of it.
  • He is still enjoying life although there are many health difficulties associated with his disease. He told me to live life to the fullest.
  • A positive outlook makes life easier for yourself and those around you.

It's really hard to put into words what I left with. My mind is constantly turning over things I learned and felt along with life questions. It really makes you turn back to the old age questions: What is the point of life? What is the point of MY life? What are my priorities? Am I living a life that will be full of regrets? Am I living life to the fullest? What would my reaction be to a similar situation? What are my priorities? Am I open to "people-interruptions?"

In the end, I feel like I've been changed by him. I notice more the beauty around me in creation and the strengths of the people around me. I don't want to live life with regrets, I want to live it to the fullest.


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