Saturday, November 24, 2007

Watch what you buy

Here's some facts that have been submitted from my students's projects:

Child Labour
"There are 218 million children around the world that are forced to work in terrible conditions. Children can range from 4 years old to 17 years old. Some 4 year olds get tied to rug loom so that they can't escape. These children have to work in dangerous conditions....Child labour is very serious but some people don't take it very seriously. It damages our world because these kids are innocent and are the world's future."

"Sweatshops are shops where people have to work very long hours in very hard work...there is very crowded work conditions. The sweatshop workesr aren't allowed to sue the bathroom and if the sweatshop masters let the workesr use the bathroom if their daily quota is completed on the daring workers will use the bathrooms."

"They are not allowed to take sufficient breaks to drink water or relieve themselves, resulting in seomtiems fatal kidney problems....Paid $2-3 a day, barely enough to pay for the worker's daily food and transportation in many countries. Penalized or fired if they refuse to work overtime shifts of up to 20 hours. Coerced into signing up for a factor's official and phony union."

"People in sweatshops get no breaks so they are forced to wear diapers so they won't have to leave to go to the bathroom."


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