Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years - The scaries night of my holidays

I know that New Year's is usually a time to make resolutions. But right now, all I can do is be thankful. My little brother ended up in a snowboarding accident last night where he was knocked unconscious. He had attempted, on a slippery slope, to do the double black diamond. There was hardly anybody around. The rest of the details we do not know because he can't remember. All we know is that someone happened to find him on a little travelled road lying there unconscious. He was brought to the hospital where the doctors did lots of tests on him. At one point Sid couldn't remember if Christmas had happened or not. Now he just struggles with remembering the details of the accident.
This year, all I can be is thankful that my brother was wearing a helmet, that someone found him, that he can remember his name, that there are no spine injuries, and that there is no permanent brain injuries.


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