Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Life of a Teacher

So, here it goes. We'll see what comes out of this one.

  1. Today I did my first skits with the kids. Wow, I definently had to try to hold back the laughter. One of my boys showed up in a skirt for a skit. He had to be a bride. Instead of "kissing the bride" they declared their love by "high fiving" (if only it was that easy).
  2. I'm in a volleyball league and we won all our games last night...rather excited about that.
  3. One of my students wanted to take a picture of me. Even though it was my worst hair day yet (did I mention I hadn't brushed it in 24 hrs - slept over and forgot my brush) I felt totally complimented.
  4. Got my first Grade 6 bouquet of flowers. A boy came in my class, stuck them in my face and asked for an "A." I couldn't help but laugh.
  5. I've found out that I have the second worst class in the school for behaviour. However, I'm totally in love with them and have a great time with them.
  6. Made my first phone calls home to parents - how unnerving. But they were extremely supportive and the students were very well behaved the next day.

And my list could go on and on. But I'm tired and swamped and need to get going.


At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah! a new post!


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