Thursday, January 04, 2007

Training Coming In

So, I'm starting to feel the need for something different. A change, a new environment, new anything (new me??). Then I start to wonder, is this my University training coming into play? I'm used to a major switch every four months for the last five years. Ummm....thank-you semesters.


At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha...sounds extremely familiar, em =) i think a lot of people our age feel this restlessness, and maybe we are more impacted by our 'instant gratification' culture than we the point that when things get even the slightest bit boring, we long for change, for a new adventure. at what point do we finally say 'screw it', batten down the hatches and settle down for the long haul? are we even suppose to, or is it just the result of our schooling and our success-driven culture? yeesh. so many questions, so few answers.... at any rate, i bet you are exactly where you need to be in your life right now. enjoy!


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