Monday, January 30, 2006

Pre-graduation Syndrome

In all fairness to you the reader, I should let you know that I feel like blogging but don't really know what to put down. This reflects the ways of my mind right now. There is so much in my head but I don't really know how to sort through it. How do you condense all your frustrations, dreams, and thoughts into English words? It's just not possible. I think the Spirit is groaning for me right now because I can't express anything in words at the moment.
Random thoughts for the day:
  1. Today I realised that I only have three weeks of classes left - result: joy, anxiety, and uncertainty.
  2. Today I got an email from someone very interested in hiring me - result: excitement, confusion, and surprise.
  3. Today I talked to someone about my dreams but they didn't take them seriously - result: anger, disgust, and uncertainty.
  4. Today I talked to someone who is going through a really hard time - result: desire, frusturation, and compassion.

Seriously, the list could go on and on. How do you balance such opposite emotions? I wish I was a single-minded person that could only focus on one thing at a time. Then my mind, heart, and spirit wouldn't be so torn.

Well, at least one thing is certain right now. I am going to graduate and my life is going to drastically change.

Cheers, to the future being in God's hands.


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